The Prairie Prattler Vol. 2, No. 1, May -July 1944
For your convenience, an attempt has been made to transcribe any pages which are almost illegible in places. Otherwise, notes have been made after each page to draw attention to notable statements or mention of fans who appear in different issues and photographs of the Martha Retsch collection or John Fullerton collection.
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Pat was sworn into the Army on January 18, 1944. His address now is:
Roy Rogers appeared at Col. Jim Eskew's rodeo without the Pioneers during its Pittsburgh engagement the 9-day week of April 17. Receipts totaled the largest gross in Pittsburgh's rodeo history. He also entertained the convalescent servicemen at Deshon General Hospital in Butler, PA. Since the bedridden youngsters at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh couldn't go to see the rodeo, Roy and Trigger came to them instead. ...Trigger walked through the corridors and into rooms of patients to perform some of his clever tricks. Roy also visited the USO Variety Club Canteen.
On February 18, 19 and 20, the Pioneers played at the Riverside Drive Breakfast Club. It isn't a large place but around five or six hundred people were there on a Saturday night and it was pouring down rain.
All of the Pioneers were there, including Lloyd Perryman who had a 13 hour pass. Lloyd seems to have gained weight and the Army barber shop has cut off his curls but otherwise he looks just the same. He sang three songs.
The rest of the fellows were just as nice and friendly as they always are and Ken was quite a surprise. He fits in perfectly. Just had a chance to say "hello" to all of them, but Hugh, had a little chat with him.
I saw quite a few people getting their club cards signed and the fellows - every one of them that I heard say anything, said "Well, for gosh sakes, where did you get this?"
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News about the Sons of the Pioneers
Right away I'd like to inform all members about the new coast-to-coast hook-up starring the Sons of the Pioneers and Andy Devine. It's called the Melody Roundup and is on at 8:00 AM Pacific War Time every Saturday, starting May 13, 1944. It will be broadcast over the Red Network - NBC.
If you like the show, how about dropping a note to the Advertising Manager, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, and tell him about it. If the show gets a good Crosley rating for its first thirteen weeks, it will have the chance of continuing for some time to come.
In case any of you have written to the Pioneers and haven't received an answer, please don't get discouraged. They aren't busy - oh no. They only have a few dozen things to keep track of such as the following:
- The Dr. Pepper show is carried by approximately 150 stations
- Their new show, Melody Roundup, is heard weekly and
- Twice a week it's shortwaved overseas
- making moving pictures
- doing army camp performances and a few other things.
- Had a very nice letter from Lloyd Perryman quite awhile ago. Arrived just a little too late for the last issue so I'd like to quote a little of it for the members:
"I'd like to thank all my friends for the nice cards and letters I've received since I have been in the Army. It makes me feel like at least I'm not forgotten by a lot of nice people I've had the opportunity to sing for and meet.
"I like very much to receive letters but not answering is one of my bad habits. I'm too dog-goned lazy to write much myself besides being quite busy.
"The Army has treated me pretty well so far but I sure do miss the Pioneers. I hope I have a chance to sing for and see all of you soon."
- George "Shug" Fisher is taking Pat's place.
- Roy Rogers'' group of cowboys appearing with him at the Pittsburgh Rodeo were called "The Cactus Cowboys" - Bob Gregory, Jake Watts, Gene LaVerne and Joe Caliente.
News from Karl Farr:
Pat Brady's address:
Pvt. R. E. Brady, 39819084
Company B, 9th Btn ARTC
Fort Knox, Kentucky
Lloyd has a new address:
S/Sgt. Lloyd W. Perryman, 39570629
36 Special Service Co
APO 9730 c/o Postmaster
New York City, New York
Ken [Carson] has passed his physical and may soon be in the Navy. Also, Karl, Tim and Roy are in 1A and expect to be going shortly. ....after this is all over...definite arrangements have been made to take both [Pat and Lloyd] back into the Sons of the Pioneers.
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