The Prairie Prattler Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 1946
For your convenience, an attempt has been made to transcribe any pages which are almost illegible in places. Otherwise, notes have been made after each page to draw attention to notable statements or mention of fans who appear in different issues and photographs of the Martha Retsch collection or John Fullerton collection.
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ANNIVERSARY ISSUE (by Virginia Gallick and Martha Retsch)
Looks like it's "Happy Birthday" once again for the club. Yessiree, we're now three years of age and getting big, too. Thanks again to all you grand members who have helped us out from time to time with poems, news, members, etc. Hope you'll continue helping us, too, as we sure appreciate it a lot.
Also, thanks to Miss Evelyn Koleman [from Republic Pictures] who has supplied us with the cuts for the cover, News and various other items.
We have some good news for you, too. Through the courtesy of Modern Screen Fan Club Association, we hope to be able to furnish you snaps with every issue. You'll find one included with this issue and we hope you'll like it. The April issue of Screen Stars had a grand interview of the boys. Also, other magazines have had pictures of them from time to time.
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SLEEPY HOLLOW FAN CLUB - You are invited to join this club which is now seven years old. The stars are the Sleepy Hollow Ranch Gang of WFIL, Philadelphia, who are heard on "Hayloft Hoedown" every Saturday night. The managing Editor is Miss Lorraine Paxton, 400 Crescent St., Harrisburg, PA. Dues are 50 cents a year which includes membership card, photos, contests, Sleepy Hollow Echoes, and the annual outing at Sleepy Hollow Ranch.
SON-SHINE (by Virginia Gallick)
Remember in one of the past issues I told you about Bob buying a boat? And him wanting a sail? Well, if you will take a look in the March issue of Screen Stars you will see the Pioneers grouped around his pride and joy. The name of the boat is "Maní" which is a Spanish word meaning "Peanuts" and if you recall, that is Bob's wife's name.
Sometimes I wish I was back on the West Coast - now that I have come back home, I have learned that the Pioneers have been playing at the Western Palisades various Saturday nights. Remember me talking about the Barn Dance with Cottonseed Clark as master of ceremonies? And I said this program was going to grow so big that the Columbia Broadcasting Station wouldn't be able to hold the crowd? Well, it finally happened. The Barn Dance has moved to the Western Palisades. The fun starts at eight and lasts till around four. In that space of time Deuce Spriggens [sic] and his group play; the Barn Dance and guest artists galore are there to entertain the people.
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I'd like to take this time to apologize for skipping one issue of the paper. It just couldn't be helped - there was very little news for the paper and the treasury was very low. In fact, it still is. If any of you have any ideas as to how to raise money for the club, please let me know.
DOIN'S OF THE SONS (by Martha Retsch)
Time to find out what our favorites are up to so let's see what we can dig out of the files. Haven't heard from the boys or their manager for a couple of months so will have to rely on the reports I received from various members.
Hear that Lloyd Perryman is now back home after nearly three years in the army, two of which were spent overseas. Also have had the report that or favorite red-head, Pat Brady, is back again. You can bet that both Pat and Lloyd will be welcomed upon their return to the screen. Can't wait to see their first movie.
Hear that on a recent Cavalcade of America broadcast, Karl Farr was spotted in the studio orchestra. The story that was being broadcast was of the old West, and had a couple of spots for a good guitar player - hence Karl.
The new movies on the fire are many and here's the list. Song of Arizona, Rainbow Over Texas and My Pal Trigger starring Roy and the boys. Also, be on the lookout for Home On The Range and West of God's Country [???] starring Republic's new cowboy, Monte Hale and the Pioneers. These last two movies are the new cina-colored type and are really swell. In case some of you wonder about cinacolor - it's a new form of technicolor, the only difference being, as far as I can see, the colors aren't as bright as in Technicolor. However, I've seen a few cinacolored movies and really prefer them to the others. The colors are truer looking.
"Columbus Stockade Blues" and "Cool Water" have been recorded by Vaughn Monroe - with the boys doing the vocals.
Tim has written "Cowboy Camp Meetin'" and "Texas, USA" for use in Song of Arizona and Bob's "Way Out There" is used in Song of Arizona.
An RKO movie titled Ding Dong Williams has the Pioneers in for a guest spot.
Hope you got the April issue of Screen Stars as it had a swell story on the boys, each giving a little interview about themselves.
Be on the lookout for the July issue of SONG HITS. There's going to be a contest in it that is tied up with the Pioneers. There's to be a pix of Bob on the contest page and also one group pix. Don't forget - it will be out about the tail end of May - beginning of June. See how good you are.