The Prairie Prattler Vol. 4, No. 1, Summer 1946
This is the second issue labeled Volume 4 Number 1.
For your convenience, an attempt has been made to transcribe any pages which are almost illegible in places. Otherwise, notes have been made after each page to draw attention to notable statements or mention of fans who appear in different issues and photographs of the Martha Retsch collection or John Fullerton collection.
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EDITORIAL (by Martha Retsch)
This issue marks the end of Ginny [Virginia Gallick] and myself as the Presidents of the club. We've handled it for three years now and think it's time someone else had a say so about running it. So, from now on, your new president will be Miss Julia Tiedemann, 345 W. 28th Street, New York City 1, NY.
We checked over a few of the members whom we thought eligible to handle the club and wrote them, questioning as to whether or not they would be interested in running it. We had a time deciding, but thought Julia, being in New York and close to both Republic Pictures and Modern Screen, would be the most capable.
We'll miss the club but the reason we're giving it up is because we feel we cannot put as much time into it as is necessary and rather than close it up completely, we're turning it over to another person.
THE ARISTOCRATS OF THE RANGE (A few notes from the whole section. Fact mixed with Hollywood hype.]
BOB NOLAN - Bob, along with Tim and Roy, helped to organize the Sons. He was born in New Brunswick, Canada on April 1st. He's 6 feet tall [actually 5' 10"] and weighs about 175 pounds. Has brown hair and eyes. Sings baritone and plays both bass fiddle and guitar. In answer to many inquiries, Bob is married to a swell gal whose first name is Clara but she prefers her nickname, "Peanuts". Bob also has a daughter, Roberta Irene, by a former marriage.
PAT BRADY - He has red hair and blue eyes. Robert Ellsworth Brady is 5 feet 11 inches tall and about 165 pounds. Pat was recently discharged from the army after being wounded and receiving the Purple Heart. You can bet his wife, Fayetta, welcomed her favorite cowboy home with open arms.
LLOYD PERRYMAN - He is about 6 feet tall and about 155 pounds. Has brown curly hair and blue-grey eyes. Is the father of a 21-month-old boy - Wayne Lloyd. His wife's nickname is "Buddy." Lloyd, also, was recently discharged from the Army where he served for three years on the Burma-India route.
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Sunday, June 2, 1946, was really an eventful day as that is when the Pioneers appeared on the Electric Hour with Nelson Eddy. It was really a surprise to hear them do a couple of songs with Mr. Eddy. They did them justice, too. It sure did sound swell to hear Lloyd back with the gang. He was helping them to do "Cool Water" by coming in with "water" the way he always does. Then, Nelson Eddy sang the verse, and the Sons joined in on the chorus of "Tumbling Tumbleweeds". Kenny and Hugh took over with Tim's new song "Cowboy Camp Meetin;" from Rainbow Over Texas. In my opinion, this is really a great song and I sure do hope the boys record it in the near future. I think it really would go over.
Kenny still is with the Sons to my knowledge and I'm sure we're all glad he's still a part of them. Shug has left and was appearing here in the East with Hugh Cross. A couple of the members had the good fortune to meet him while he was on his tour.
Hear that Disney is to do it again. This time it's to be a full-length western cartoon using all the cartoon characters from his others and also combining live talent. The story, from what I hear, is titled Adventures of Pecos Pete with Roy Rogers playing Pete, Dale Evans as Slu-foot Sue and the music to be furnished by the Sons of the Pioneers.
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DOIN'S OF THE SONS (continued from page 3)
Just received a report that Karl Farr was in bed three weeks with tonsillitis. He's up now but his wife, May, had a heart attack and is very ill.
Seems like Pat Brady is doing all right, too - he's been featured with Spade Cooley's group a couple of times. Also, Ken Carson has been doing some guest appearances on his own.
The Pioneers all appeared as guests of Spade Cooley's at the Western Palisades.
Here's some sad news for all you members. Just got a report that very shortly there will be just six Pioneers again. Ken is to take over Tim Spencer's place. Seems that Tim is dropping out to manage the boys. We were told this last year while on the coast, but didn't think it would ever come about.
Just bought a brand new record by the Pioneers. It's Victor 10-1904 and the songs are "Tumbling Tumbleweeds" and "Cowboy Camp Meetin'". Seems like my wishes were granted in a hurry.
This is my farewell column so before I end it, I want to say how I liked hearing from all you members. Some of you have been a little impatient when you thought your letters were not answered as soon as you would like to have heard from either of us but you can't realize the pile of mail we get. We answered it the best we could and we answered all your questions the best we could. After three years of having the club and after all the mail we received, I think the question that was asked the most, over and over was - "Is Bob Nolan married?"
The answer is "Yes," and take it from us, she's one swell gal and we like her as much as Bob does. (Virginia Gallick)
Who wants to win a nice photo album complete with stills, snaps and clippings about the Sons of the Pioneers? Guess you're all pretty much interested in that. Well, here's the news. We have a nice sized photo album with quite a few stills, snaps (ones that will not appear with the paper) and a few clippings that we're going to raffle off to help raise some money for the club treasury. The price for a chance is 15¢ or 2 for 25¢. Just send your money to me - Martha - and I'll see that your name is dropped in the chance box. The winner will be announced in the next issue. You only have three months for this raffle, and I'm sure you'll think the book is worth the price.
As you all know, there has been a membership contest going on for the past six months so everything has been counted up and the winners are decided. 4th prize - 5 stills of the Pioneers go to Dorothy Guty [Guth], 725 Washington St, Allentown, PA.
Terry Cormier tells of two places where you can obtain photos of Bob Nolan - Bram Studios, 306 W. 44th St, New York 18, NY, have 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 pix of Bob for 5 for 50¢. Also, Stewart-Croxton Studios, 1408 Westwood Blvd., W. Los Angeles 24, CA, have an 8 x 10 glossy "Selectograph" photo - this is made up of about 32 tiny photos of various stars. The No. 5 is all western - or ask for pose No. 459. These are 25¢.